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교회를 반석위에 세워라
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book introduction
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is the religion of True Parents, and to transmit its identity and tradition is to build the church on the rock. This book has the character of a proposal to explore the various crises and developments of the church that have passed through the pioneering period and entered the settlement period. Some of the author's books that have already been published are cited to reinforce the content.

New Version / 256 pages / Issued on January 20, 2017 / Written by Jae-Seok Lee

Our church has entered an era of change that requires a great transition from the pioneering period of wilderness era to the settlement period of Cheon Il Guk era. But now, our church is facing a number of complex problems. Since these problems become obstacles to the development of the church, solving these problems cannot but be an urgent task for our church.
Realizing that the fundamental solution to such a phenomenal problem is to return to the essence, True Mother instructed us to study the 'essential solution'. For our members who are celebrating the 5th Foundation Day, the fundamental solution is to build the church on a rock.
Since 2015, I have been hearing the saying “Build the church on the rock” over and over again. On March 29, 1964, True Parents expressed their strong will, “I want to build a church on a rock foundation.” And on January 31, 2016, I heard the word of God saying, “Build the church on the rock.”
Therefore, while publishing this book, I proposed a study of the Word together with the first-generation brothers and sisters of True Parents' faith to carry out such a request. True Father asked, “How are we going to lay a foundation for a rock that cannot be broken even when a typhoon blows, a storm rages, and a lightning strike?” (154-034, March 29, 1964), building the church on the rock is our best bet. He emphasized that it is a big task.
In the first part of this book, we dealt with the mission of the first generation of True Parents' faith to build the church on the rock. In the second part, I systematized the function of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, which should build the church on the rock.

Build the Church on the Rock
I. Proposal to hold a Word Study Group
II. About God's Experience

Part 1 The First Generation's Mission to Build the Church on the Rock
I. Responsibility to transmit True Parents' identity and tradition
II. Foundation Day Cheonji Gaebyeok Juche's Mission
Ⅲ. The Responsibilities to Build the House Church on the Rock

Part 2 Functions of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and Education Reform
Introduction: The most important function of family association is education
I. Reformation of the Church in the Age of Gaebyeok
II. Institutionalization of house churches
Ⅲ. Education Reform in the Age of Creation Providence
IV. Completion education for true family: Completion of the 4th realm of heart and 4th position

Epilogue The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is the Religion of True Parents


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(주문 후 7일 안에 입금이 안 될 경우 자동으로 그 주문이 취소됩니다.)


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‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
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