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나의 신앙, 나의 갈길, 참사랑수련
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book introduction
In the era of Cheon Il Guk, which has entered a historical transformation, if 『The Way Our Church Goes Forward』 is a public reform book, then 『True Love Training』 is a private reform book that can be approached individually. I established the basic theory of what the True Love Meditation is essential for me and my family to settle in Cheon Il Guk, and what its purpose, method, and steps are. The epilogue theme is the Reformation of Faith in the Transition Period.

New Guk Edition / 378 pages / Published on November 30, 2015 / Written by Jae-Seok Lee

This book firstly establishes and handed down the faith of True Parents as we live in the era of Cheon Il Guk. Second, it examines the path for me and my family based on the previously published 《The Way Our Church Goes Forward》. Third, it examines the path to world peace and unification. We looked at the faith in the transition period to find a way to settle in Cheon Il Guk, the country of true love, by cultivating 'true love', the identity of the family union, and fourth, to find a way to fundamentally solve the real and serious problems of our church.
In December 2012, God saw our church moving away from its essence on the Day of Foundation Day, the era of the beginning of heaven and earth, and asked, “Why are you becoming a spectator?” He sent a powerful message: “Don’t be a bystander.” In keeping with this will, I wrote the vision for the settlement and completion of Cheon Il Guk, “The Way Our Church Goes Forward”. Here, it was emphasized that the church should be opened first in the period of great historical and revolutionary transition, but there were few leaders who liked reform. I get the impression that no matter what happens to the church tomorrow, they don't want to make a difference in today's situation.
I was shocked when I realized this fact while attending the dedication ceremony of the Peace Palace in Las Vegas, USA on April 11th (May 28th) of the 3rd year of the Cheon Il Guk calendar, and meeting and talking with some leaders. I became very disappointed, and I felt a sense of disappointment in the life I had been frantically living for a purpose.
After the event, I went to my second son's house in Chicago. There was only God to discuss. I prayed. 'God, even if you cry out for reform, you are not interested in reform, and I have come to realize that you have a greater intention to maintain your status quo. I don't think it's a matter of insisting on reform.' At this time, a voice was heard. “You don’t run away!” “You don’t stop!” 'Okay! Then I will write “My Faith, My Path, True Love Meditation”. However, it is impossible no matter how much I think about it with my skills and abilities. May God grant you wisdom, power, and stamina to do what God wants you to do!'
After returning to Korea, I started writing manuscripts. However, in the afternoon exercise class on August 19th (Yang 10.1) by the celestial calendar, I was asked, 'God, should I publish a book called 《My Faith, My Path, True Love Exercises》 in an atmosphere of no interest in Heaven and Earth and ignoring or ignoring it? The answer was clear. “Nevertheless, I have no choice but to love you!” “Nevertheless, I want to show you the way!” Hearing the response, I shed tears of joy at God's love. After that, I began to write more intensively with more zeal and sincerity. Although it is not enough, it is a great reward for me if this book, presented to readers, helps in the religious life of all members of our community living in the era of Cheon Il Guk.

Preface/ True Love Training and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk

Prologue/ My Faith, My Way
My Faith, True Parents
My path, the path of true love

[Basic Theory of True Love Meditation]
What is the disaster love training?
Purpose of the True Love Training
How to practice disaster love
Stages of the True Love Training

[The reality of the true love practice]
For those who want to practice the true love

Ⅰ.Personal training
Faith training - training to live with God
Purification Training - Training to remove corruption
Seonghwa Training - Practice of True Love

Ⅱ.Home training
Home training and participation
4 love training at home
true children's education
Blessed Family Training Program

Ⅲ. Realization of Cheon Il Guk
house church movement
Mission of the Tribal Messiah

Epilogue/ Faith in Transition
Re-illumination of the Feast of Origins and Reformation in the Transition Period


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