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book introduction
This book explores the ultimate answer to life and the universe through one-on-one conversations with Sun Myung Moon and Haksa Han Han. US Newsweek, Soviet Novosti News, major Korean media, scholars, and family members have been interviewed 35 times.

New version / 412 pages / Issued on August 27, 2018

This book contains the contents of questions and answers between Professor Moon and President Han with scholars, journalists, and church members. Scholars asked a lot of theological questions, and journalists showed interest in peace movements in all areas of the world. Not only academics, but also US Newsweek, The Libezum, a Soviet diplomatic magazine, and major Korean media sometimes vehemently asked questions based on rumors. Why did the conservative right wing of the US persecute Mr. Gorbachev, what direction Russia will take after the Cold War, and what is the path to inter-Korean reunification and a truly peaceful world… . Readers will find answers that are clear and to the point.
“Are you the one who is to come? Shall we wait for someone else?” (Matthew 11:3) This question of John the Baptist 2,000 years ago is drawing attention again now, at the time of the Second Coming. 'Are you the one who will come again?' The title of this book raises a crucial question for believers today. And it demands prayer and determination. “Everyone who asks finds, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:8) In this book, published in commemoration of the 6th anniversary of Seonghwa Moon, readers, wishes to find, meet and obtain answers to life's ultimate and crucial questions.

Part 1 Conversation between President Sun Myung Moon and scholars and journalists
01. Does the new revelation mean a departure from Christian theology?
02. What is the difference between the Unification Church and Christianity?
03. What books were influenced by the Unification Principle?
04. Are you the Messiah?
05. Why did God choose you?
06. Why did the right-wing conservatives in America send you to jail?
07. Please explain the rapid change in the world
08. How do you view perestroika?

Part 2 Q&A between Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the church members
01. What are the fundamentals of the universe and human values?
02. Does Jesus have no original sin?
03. Tell me about death
04. How is rebirth possible?
05. How can we separate Satan?
06. How should we pray?
07. How can one heart be unified?
08. How would you describe God's love in detail?
09. Love is good, but it is extremely scary
10. How does the Fall happen?
11. Please tell us about a desirable male-female relationship.
12. Do I have to get married?
13. What are the causes of family breakdown?
14. How does reinstatement work?
15. Since when did Korea become a chosen nation?
16. Is the word you heard today a revelation from God?
17. How much should I love someone?
18. Please tell me the direction of the Seunggong movement.
19. What is the ultimate goal of unification?

Part 3 Conversation between President Hak Ja Han and journalists
01. Wings of Smile, Purple Crane
02. Mother of the Holy Lady
03. Responsibility for the future world of mankind
04. Marriage and Family Story with Pastor Sun Myung Moon
05. Commitment to building a world of peace
06. Misconceptions and truths about my family
07. 2,000 years of Christianity is a history of laying the foundation for the 'only begotten daughter'
08. Our mission is to give the blessing of 'participating families' to all families in the world

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