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러시아의 하나님
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book introduction
This is a missionary strategy book published by the author, who has served as a regional leader in the former Soviet Union, following the will of True Parents who declared the realization of the kingdom of God as the 'end of communism'. This course introduces the activities of establishing the study of unification missions in the communist bloc, exploring the Russian missionary methodology, and excavating and collecting historical materials of Russian missions. It is a model book of the victory movement and mission strategy for the communist bloc.

New version / 240 pages / Published on September 4, 2017 / Written by Jin-Hwa Jeong

As a missionary for the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in charge of the former Soviet Union, I realized the necessity of deriving our Russia mission strategy by historically analyzing and evaluating missionary activities in Russia. We want to clarify the strategic characteristics of the Seunggong movement and underground missions for Russia and seek alternatives for the development of Russian missions using the mission strategy as a model.
The purpose of writing this book is, first, to contribute to the establishment of the study of unification missions by in-depth review of True Parents' missionary strategy in Russia. In order to fulfill the mission of the Messiah, True Parents conceived and implemented a special strategy for missions in the communist sphere that denied God. We want to understand what the strategy is and what historical process the strategy was implemented through. It is expected that this will lay the foundation for an academic discussion on missions in the communist bloc.
Second, it is to explore the mission methodology for the development of Russian missions. The Russian mission field has experienced rapid changes in political, economic, social, and cultural systems. A change in mission methodology was inevitable as the situation changed. For the development of Russian missions, it is necessary to explore various Russian missionary methodologies, and through this, it is necessary to respond to a system that solves real problems in the mission field.
Third, it is to discover and collect historical materials of Russian missionary history centered on True Parents. After the founding of the Spiritual Association for the Unification of World Christianity on May 1, 1954, missionary activities began all over the world, starting with Japan and the United States. However, the systematic management of mission-related records and the excavation of historical materials are far from being. Therefore, through this book, I would like to contribute to finding, reviewing, and analyzing the historical materials of Russian missions. Mission history research is the touchstone of future mission strategy design. A diachronic understanding of Russian missions will contribute to revealing the process by which missionary activities have been developed in spite of rapid environmental changes.
This book will systematically describe the regional characteristics of Russia, an overview of the history of missions, and the characteristics and strategies of missions by era with reference to the mission history narrative method. In general, it will try to describe thematically-oriented characteristics and analyzes of times and events, writing according to the chronological order.
Through this, the historical facts of missionary work in Russia, that is, missionary activities, results, and characteristics of mission methods will be summarized and analyzed from the perspective of Unification Missionary Studies. Furthermore, through this, we want to identify the points of improvement for the development of the Russian mission and the missionary elements that must be continuously pursued. In addition, we will deal with developmental suggestions by seeking ways to solve problems in the Russian mission field.

at the head of the book
Prologue/ For a new search for missionary strategy in Russia

Part 1 Understanding Russian Missions and Mission Development Process
01 Understanding Russia
02 Understanding the Russian Mission of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
03 Missions in the Soviet era
04 Moscow Congress and the collapse of the Soviet Union
05 Mission in the era of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
06 Missions in the Russian Era
07 Russian Mission Strategy of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

Part 2 Russian Mission Fields and Major Activities
01 Arrival in Moscow and main activities in 2013
02 International seminar and major activities in 2014
03 Major activities in 2015 focused on internal growth

Developmental Proposals and Policies for the Third Division of Russian Missions
01 Analysis and evaluation of missionary activities
02 Characteristics and evaluation of Russian missions
03 Challenges to solve Russian missions
04 Suggestions for the development of missions in Russia



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