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book introduction
The Peace Sutra is a book in which 178 of the 340 lectures proclaimed by True Parents for world peace were selected and categorized into 10. He believes that the ideal of 'one family under one God' must be realized in order to break down the barriers of the nation, religion, race, culture, and ideology and make the world one world. ·It contains the peace ideology and sacrificial life of True Parents, who engaged in various activities in various fields such as education.

New version / 1648 pages / Issued on February 22, 2013
Korean, English, Spanish, French, Traditional Chinese, Russian

Pyeong Hwa Gyeong is a collection of public speeches given by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han Moon, on themes related to peace (pyeonghwa). They are a testimony to God’s plan for humankind. Reverend and Mrs. Moon teach that the strongest human desire is for love. When we pursue love selflessly, peace emerges.
In presenting principles for the resolution of conflict on all levels, whether within ourselves or between nations, True Parents’ words challenge leaders to look beyond their disciplinary, religious and national boxes, and to view the world as one family under God. They clarify for all of us God’s original ideal for creating, the tragedy of the human Fall, the suffering but victorious path of Jesus, and the advent of True Parents. Thus, they illuminate the path ahead and provide a roadmap for the building of God’s kingdom on earth.
We are grateful to God and True Parents for taking the burden of the historical providence on their own shoulders, and pray that this book may ignite many a heart to follow their path. May the blessings of God be abundantly with all readers of Pyeong Hwa Gyeong.

Book 1. The Principles of True Peace
Book 2. God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom
Book 3. The Mission of Religion in Achieving God’s Ideal
Book 4. The True Family Movement
Book 5. Absolute Values and a New World Order
Book 6. The Role of Women in Creating the Ideal World
Book 7. The World of the Culture of Heart
Book 8. The Reunification of Korea and World Peace
Book 9. The Role of Nations in Realizing World Peace
Book 10. True Parents, the Hope of
God and Humankind Guide to the Speeches


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